Monday, March 26, 2012

Sorry no thrift...but I have lost something....

Visual Eating works for me!
I have lost 7 lbs!
My new routine is instead of turning on the news every morning
I go cut up my breakfast
and either juice it or bake it.
The collage on the refrigerator helps
keep me focused.
Then I spend my online time in the morning.
I get done what I usually do and then
I spend some time with my Tumblr account.
There are a few that help to inspire me and I started my own.
Here is the collage in the kitchen
(I plan on adding more)
and here is my other new best friend
My Juicer...
It has not been easy..
but for some reason easier than it has been before
Someone said 
"I stopped thinking of all the things I couldn't have
and started thinking of all the things I could have"
I also think seeing the reminders
of what I want to achieve
and repeating some of the positive thoughts that are sprinkled throughout
the Tumblr pages helps me tremendously...
Next I have to tackle getting out there and MOVING it!
If you'd like to have a peek at my Tumblr
blog here it is
Happy thoughts
places I love 
things that make me smile
beautiful clothes
and of course
lovely healthy food

Happy Monday Everyone!
I'll be back at thrifting in a few days!



  1. I love my juicer!
    Helped me slim down drinking fresh juices!

    Congrats on losing 7 lbs!!!

    <3 VEGA

  2. Well congrats on that great weight loss!
