Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's My Day...

Me Party

No big amazing plans for my birthday
just me and the kiddo
I have a million things I'd like to do
but honestly
here is a list of  all the things running through my brain
that I think
may actually be achievable
that I enjoy
and are no -stress
 1- make a cake together
2-go out for frozen yogurt
3- paint on the sidewalk
4-take a nap
5- decide what to treat myself to as a gift to ME
6- watch any and all Jane Austen themed movies I have
after kiddo goes to bed 
and eat any leftover easter peanut butter related items guilt free...

Happy Birthday to you,
 P.S. That icing on those cinnamon rolls was also in the guilt free category....


  1. Happy birthday! It sounds wonderful!

  2. Found through Selena that we share the same birthday. Happy belated birthday, then, from Italy.
