Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Funny

Hi everyone!
I have not fallen off the face of the Earth!
A lot of personal and work related drama
has had me focused elsewhere.
One thing life has taught me in the last few years
Roll with the Punches!
I don't think you really want to hear my list
but two big ones on it
were related to Superstorm Sandy
and a non functioning Heating System!

I am ready for my 
Friday Funny!

I didn't even have to look online for these...
Baby Keeper has been a real laugh factory as of late...
 He put on this hat in Target a few weeks ago
and said
"Hey mom, 
you know I look good in this,
after he said it all I could think of was what if he had a Jersey accent?
He has never made reference until recently about things 
that make you look good or cool...
until another child at school admired his Converse...
then he wanted to wear them every day!
I have also had to have "discussions"
about proper etiquette at school.
Mommy is no there to do everything for you,
you have to try on your own.
Before he leaves for school I sometimes have
to go over the reminders for the day...
"No sassing...
Drink your milk....
Wipe 5 times ;)
Don't lick your lips or your face will STAY chapped!"

After a review this morning...
he chirped
"HEY - Thanks for the rules mom!"
 hopped out the door!
I couldn't help but laugh.
At least he is polite right?
I promise I will be back to my normal routine with the ol' blog here.
Trying to figure out a way 
to not have the next few weeks surrounding these holidays 
stay nice and calm .
Any suggestions?
Hope you have a great Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Our kids keep us sane, don't they? I hope things get better for you with all the drama!
