Saturday, January 26, 2013

Snowy Saturday...

The much anticipated snow
 finally arrived yesterday...
We have been outside for 4 hours
sledding and pelting each other with snowballs...
I just wanted to share this
because I thought it was so peaceful
and amazing to see.
Background on why-
The Outer Banks has been "My" vacation spot 
as long as I have been able to remember.
I'd love to be able to  move there
and set up my own little studio at the beach.
This is just so unusual and beautiful...
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend...


  1. Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing and enjoy the snow!

  2. So beautiful! For such a large animal, horses are so graceful!

    So happy you got your snow :)

    take care,

  3. Sigh...still no snow here but I'm glad you got some! Your blog re-do is lovely!

  4. Oh, what a marvelous 30 seconds! Just the horses, the water and the snow. Perfect. Thank you...
