Tuesday, May 7, 2013

All over the Place!

As a creative person-
Ever feel like you just can't do
ONE thing
without managing to somehow get sidetracked by another?

I'm having one of those weeks ...
maybe months...

I get inspired by one thing
and my mind goes reeling into a whole realm of things...

Not necessarily to put paint to paper
or even pull out my camera for some reason...
a lot of THOUGHT....
some writing going on of a more
personal / reflective nature...

A little different than what I usually share here...
but then again I never wanted this to be a place
where I felt restricted to be one "type" of blog...
Just a Creative Journey...
Musicians are often also visual artists also...
Actors are often also Musicians....
You get the picture right?
Same here...but I can't play a lick of music...
Tiny bit of acting but waay back in the day..
I can give a mean speech if I have to
I have a few awards in Public Speaking 
and wasn't
afraid to take on The Establishment ...
at a local Congressional Level.
When I was in College they tried to close my
program before I graduated...
and let me say I did a LOT of public speaking then.

SO - Just wanted you to know I may be a bit sketchy
with my posts until this passes
or I evolve into what is going on in my brain lately...
Here is a little something visual I have been meddling with...

fun with the ICamera...
Little Collage from last Spring...
The Mary on the bottom left I have been playing around with...
came out with this version today...
 An interesting App
endless possibilities for your images...
you really could spend an hour on one image and get lots
of unique versions...
Take a peek if you are interested in
trying something a bit more abstract...
Hope you are having a great week so far...
Thanks for being here my lovely friend...