Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday Funny .... TREAT YO' SELF

I know I have missed a few days
due to the Blogger issues...
but Friday Funny is back!

I have to get this out of my system...
I have had this stuck in my head for well over a week now.
December has sort of become Treat Yo'Self month
If you have never seen Parks and Rec
take a peek..
this always cracks me up...

So many people forget to take time for themselves...
I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing something 
for YOU!
I may not be buying 
"fine leather goods"
this year...
but Treating myself to a little Starbucks,
a quiet afternoon,
some sparkly nailpolish,
using the gift certificate for a massage I saved !

I challenge you to go out 

Happy Friday ALL!

1 comment:

  1. When I finished my latest book project, I treated myself to relaxed shopping...and a Stampington magazine!
