Friday, April 13, 2012

Short ramblings.....

Two posts today
first I just wanted to
ramble/rant a bit...
I love reading blogs.
I find them inspiring for my creative mind
also just on a human level it is great to relate to others.

I know people change.
I'm changing myself.
I guess I have just gotten bored with a few
blogs that I used to find tremendously inspiring.
They used to write about their daily struggles, happiness, families and creative endeavors,
sharing their artwork,photography,etc.

Some of them are going more into the business end of things
for themselves.
I don't mind the sidebar ads, etc.
when the whole blog shifts from 
why people liked you in the first place
pretty much only
trying to sell you and your friends classes
daily blog posts as to what is on sale in your store.
I hate that we have lost YOU.
I know your creative wares represent you ...
every platform you have does not have to be about selling them.
Pinterest, your blog, your Tumblr, your Etsy store, your separate website. 
Some of the reason people were drawn to you in the first place
was your sharing of yourself.
I'm just saying...

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